Online Nutrition Coaching

Enhance your Quality of Life
Live a Balanced Lifestyle
Sign up for a Nutrition Consult Today!
  • Manage Weight-Loss Plateaus
  • Maintain Weight Loss & Gain Lean Muscle Mass
  • Dietary Assessment/Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

Whole Nutrition

Ala Carte Services

If you have a desire to lose weight, improve your gut health, experience health and wellness like never before, let “EK” help you set goals, and develop a meal plan, provide a pantry makeover, and help you grocery shop.

Pantry Makeover

60-90 Min.

Learn to read labels

Identify Pantry Staples for Meal Plan

Identify Healthy Snacks to have on hand

How to stock Pantry for meal prep.

$ 90

Grocery Store Tour

60-90 Min.

Learn how to shop on a budget

When and What to buy organic

When and When to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Identify the most nutrient dense items

$ 90

Why meditation?

Client Reviews



The information provided by this website and accompany social media platforms are written and produced for Educational purposes only. Individuals should seek information from their physician and other healthcare providers.